We had our big 19 week ultrasound on Tuesday. It's the one where most people find out whether they're having a boy or girl. We decided to opt out. I don't know where it came from but we are loving the whole surprise idea.
We are now right in the middle of one of the first of many growth spurts, and the little one seems to be very squished! Here is a snapshot of baby finch doing a somersault. So strange to see the legs and feet wrapped up all the way around the head. We will also be going back in for another ultrasound in 2 weeks because he/she apparently wasn't turned the right way for adequate face and cardio measurements. Other that that- all looked and sounded great!
It's kinda funny to me how each ultrasound has made this having-a-baby-odeal seem that much more real. I see it on the screen. I see my large belly. How this is not computing is beyond me. Jonathan is always a little dazed for a few days after each ultrasound...almost like he forgot what was going on.
There are certain moments that I have anticipated in my life that never have failed to live up to the hype. I have thought quite a bit of seeing Jonathan hold our little baby in his arms for the first time, and can't wait to see his tearful, smiling face. He's going to be the best dad in the world!
1 comment:
Fun fun! You even get a bonus ultrasound! It's true how much more real it seems when you see their little bodies moving around on the screen.
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