My friend
Heather wrote a fabulous post about sugar cereal, and how she lets her kids eat it, along with licking the spoons when baking. I concur.
She wrote of her love for Captain Crunch. I, on the other hand, have had a 20-year affair with Lucky Charms. Jonathan and I have had "the sugar cereal" discussion SO many times. Mr. Healthy says there will not be any in the house. I say otherwise. And, moms pretty much always win when it comes to kids, and food in the house (since I shop for it). I grew up with sugar cereal and I think I'm fine. Probably better for it! Oh yumminess! Really, what is childhood without a bowl of Corn Pops or Coco Puffs?
When my sister Megan was here visiting last month, we had "the sugar cereal" talk again. Megan was on my side. Jonathan said, "Well, why don't we compromise and just get frosted mini wheats?" Megan and I just laughed.
Haaaaaaa...Weeee don't do wheat. We do marshmellows. Only. Thanks for playing though.