As I type, we are anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby Nelson into the world. It’s amazing how much faster the time goes by while on this side of the induction “waiting game.” Imagine that.
A new baby in the family has made me think all day long about the day that Avery arrived, how long ago that was, and how very very quickly the year has flown by. It’s funny how life’s greatest gifts are usually surrounded by lots of hard work and waiting. But after you arrive at what you were so longing for, you inevitably forget most of the trials and tribulations it took to get there. The happy always wins over the headache. Especially when it comes to babies.
About once an hour I ask Avery, “Lolly- where’s the pretty tree?” She looks at me, draws a soft n’ sly smile, leans her head toward the Christmas tree and points with her little chubby pointer finger toward the sparkly lights. I smile. And, then- she claps for herself.
The Christmas season is upon us and I’ve already gotten everything I wished for.