He is here! And, has been for over 2 months now. Christian Timothy Finch is the newest love of our lives. A boy. An infant. A house of (now I can say it in the plural) kids! I've often thought of writing about him during his 3am feedings, and his 5am feedings, and his 6am feedings, but have yet to write down how much I love him.
I do. Very much. He's just so soft, and his face is such a perfect blend of Finch & McDiffett (with maybe a little more McDiffett) this time round. His big big big blue eyes match his sisters', and he has his dad's rounded (more normal-looking) ears. As of now, at our 9-week point, he has only 1 dimple on his right cheek. His thighs are chubbing out, and he's started to grow into his storing-up-for-the-winter squirrel cheeks. But, the best part...has got to be his smell. I could nuzzle my nose under a cheek, into that neck and stay there. All. Day. Long. Maybe chew on that said cheek while I'm at it.
Originally, Avery couldn't pronounce his middle name Timothy. She said Tumbally. That was it. He has been Tumbally and Tumbles and Rumblin Tumblin ever since.
Here is our little Monster, Inc. at 8 weeks...