June 25, 2015

baby finch no. 3

They say third time's a charm. And, a charm of Finches is always what I'm after. Baby Finch bird No. 3 is cookin away - already 23 weeks along. And, mama is in full nesting mode again. I don't ever quite realize it's happening until I start cleaning out one entire closet per day, or I suddenly notice how dirty my windows are, or I meticulously start making lists - for Christmas presents, future kids birthday parties, and vacation packing; most of which isn't happening for 6 months. Hey - I'll be ahead of the game, and lacking sleep, and not feeling creative, and all will be fantastic. Right?

Avery is pretty excited to be mom's best helper when baby arrives. She greats me in the morning by hugging my belly and saying, "Gooooood morning, baaaaybeee! You're getting bigger." And, I certainly am-- and quite a bit sooner than I did with baby 1 or 2. I've come to not care. It is what it is. Until, someone comes up to me and says, "Ohhh, you must be in the home stretch! When are you due?" Always feels weird to say, "Yeaaa - we have a waze ta go...October. "

Mr. Finch and I are having a very hard time coming up with a name for this little boy - but again, we do have till October. Hoping to find inspiration soon. Can't wait to meet him!