April 15, 2009

to do list

1. Fold clean laundry (sitting in a basket for 3 days now and very wrinkly).
2. Fluff the clean, wrinkled clothes in the dryer before folding.
3. Organize the birthday calendar once again.
4. Put the birthday calendar somewhere where I’ll HAVE to see it every day.
5. Buy makeup foundation to match my winter skin: Powder White or Porcelain White?
6. Make Jonathan clip his toenails. They’re deadly sharp in bed. Especially at 4am.
7. Eliminate the under-arm flab before having to appear in a June wedding.


Two Job Mama said...

I think Martha Stewart had the same stuff on her to-do list this month!

Unknown said...

I'll take that as a compliment! Who doesn't love Martha?