Alaska Airlines has a new slogan "North of Expected." I think it's brilliant! I love it more every time I see or hear it, and wonder why. I think it has something to do with the fact that my every vacation North to Alaska tends to be, in fact, "North of Expected." And, this trip was no exception. It might quite possibly have been the best trip home in years!
The whole family (that's right-- the WHOLE family) was home for a couple of weeks this time. Since the list seems to grow by at least one every year or so, I'll give you the roster:
Tim (dad)
Mary (mom)
Tom (brother-in-law)
Jonathan (brother-in law)
Matt (Megan's fiance)
Jake (Caitlin's boyfriend)
The trip's highlights included:
1. Attending Sarah's Larrabee's wedding to Gabe. The Larrabee's have been life-long family friends, and I was a bridesmaid.
2. Stop-off at papa and grandma's cabin in Cooper Landing, AK with mom's famous cinnamon rolls in tote.
3. A family trip 4 hours South to Homer, AK, where we rented a house for 2 days, toured the Homer "spit", played family flip cup, and laughed way too much.
4. Had a family get-together at uncle Paul's house in Wasilla, AK.
5. A fabulous night out at F Street Station bar in downtown Anchorage with the cousins.
6. Watching fireworks on the 4th.
Here are all of the