My first baby bump! While it's still feeling like an over-sized beer belly at this point, I'm starting to really feel pregnant. To the world, anyway. We're not counting the 3-month, all-day, all-night nausea "feeling". That's just damage control. I'm SO looking forward to feeling our little chickadee's first kicks and wiggles in the next couple of weeks!
Last week I came home from the store with some baby clothes. Jonathan held up a gown:
Jonathan: So, umm, is this just for lounging in?
Me: Umm, I would say that it's a sure bet that every article of clothing the baby wears in the first 6 months could be considered 'lounge wear'.
This is going to be fun!
Lookin' cute girl! It's nice when you actually start looking pregnant and not like you maybe just ate too many donuts. Especially when you're relatively fit, no one wants to say anything to you, but you KNOW they are looking!
I couldn't be happier for you! What's your due date?
Thanks! Due date is Jan 12. Yes- the beer belly look is getting quite a few looks. Jonathan thinks that I definitely look pregnant though...and aren't just fat. haha
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