September 12, 2009

22 weeks

Obstacles this week include putting on socks, rolling out of bed, fitting into any Notre Dame t-shirt for game watches, and refraining from eating family-pak sizes of red vines in one sitting.

Our little finch chickadee is kicking and rolling and practicing it's jump-shot. He/she definitely responds to Jonathan speaking into my belly, and loves to wake me up several times in the middle of the night.

Jonathan and I are gearing up for a much-needed, relaxing week in Hawaii come Tuesday. It is all about beaching my whale-of-a-belly, bathing in the sun, snorking, sleeping in, fresh fruit, big breakfasts, romantic dinners, waterfall hikes, volcano tours, and waterfront balconies. I really (really) can't wait!

1 comment:

Corie said...

you look so cute (and sparkly)! and remember that you're probably getting more sleep now than when your little finch hatches! ;-) have a great time in Hawaii! - Corie