November 18, 2009

32 weeks

T minus 8 weeks until blast-off! This baby is getting ready. I can just feel it. The kicks are enormous- ones that shake my whole balance from side to side – ones that make my stomach look like a morphing alien – ones that feel like they may be dislocating my right rib.

Where the belly once felt like a big round piƱata with some things moving around inside, it now feels like a huge and heavy water balloon weighing down on my pelvis, and stretching my spine inward. It used to be a little squishy. Now, it’s as tight as a drum!

Sleeping is not what it ever was before. I can’t get comfortable to save my life. And, the annoyance of positioning pillows under my belly, between my knees, and behind my back (not to mention the one I use for laying my head on) has gotten a bit out of control. There almost isn’t any room left for Jonathan in the bed. Heaven forbid I have to go to the bathroom! I lay there and think to myself, “Do I really have to go that bad? I just got every pillow in its right place, and I’ll never get them all perfectly positioned again! (Insert curse word here).”

The one relief that is tried and true has been my beautifully big bath tub. I take at least one bath a day (sometimes two). And, if I soak in the warm water just before bed, it helps me sleep. The pressure jets are also a lifesaver for the lower back. I’m actually quite interested to see our water bill for the month of November.

Jonathan has been so good about my whole uncomfortable state! He gives me great back rubs, deals with my somewhat-more-frequent emotional breakdowns, and sudden addiction to mini tangerine oranges. And he also researched the best place in town for me to go get a prenatal massage tomorrow. Can’t wait! Really.

I’m getting just a little nervous about sitting on the plane for 4 straight hours on my way to Anchorage on Saturday. I can barely sit still for an hour during church these days. I’m all about the isle seat for this one.

Well, there you have it. It’s my day for complaining. And, tomorrow may be too.

My recent secret thoughts: How do fat people deal with these back issues all of the time!? And, swollen ankles? And, how do they lace up their own shoes? Do they not shave certain parts of their bodies any longer? I don't know how they could! I can't even see what I'm doing any longer when I'm shaving in the shower. I guess cankles wouldn't be as much of a problem if you could never even see your ankles.

What can I say? I've found a new appreciation for the large & in-charge.


Two Job Mama said...

I feel for you. Truly. I got so that I did my best sleeping on the couch and I made a deal with Chad - if I'm sound asleep on the couch when you go to bed, leave me there. I'll wake up to go to the bathroom eventually and then I'll come to bed. But at least I'll sleep soundly for a little while!

I'm so excited for you and I can't wait to see pics of your little finch!!!

Hang in there. This is just God's way of making sure you'll do whatever it takes to get that baby the heck outta there.

Cole said...

Oh hannah - so sorry to hear about all the discomfort. One quick thought: snoogle pillow. This is a crazy pillow that is great for positioning when you are pregnant. My best friend's sister recommended this one early on in my pregnancy and I was quickly very glad for it. You can find it on amazon if your intersted.
Have a great time in Alaska!

Harlene303 said...

For baby shower invitations and favors you may want to check this site for unique and cool designs.