We gave Avery her first official bath last night in her baby whale tub. And, she absolutely loved it! After many a screaming sponge baths, I was surprised that she did so well. I'm sure it was the warm warm water and shampoo head massage that sold her. I'm sure most parents tend to think that their baby is the cutest thing that ever lived...and I have found myself to be no different. There is something about Avery girl's teeny tiny button nose, big butterfly eyes, and soft smile that get me every time. I can just feel my heart melting!
What an amazing 4 weeks we have had with her! I love every single one of her faces: the pouting face, the fussy face, the sad & tired face, and the poor me I'm hungry face. I especially love the unexpected moments of love I find for her. Getting up in the middle of the night is oh-so-horrible until I look at those glittery eyes staring up at me.
I find myself wondering how this whole ordeal ever started, how I ever came to have a child, to be a mom, or how on earth I could ever love something so much! Here she is at 1 month old- my wet and slippery baby seal.
Here are some more pics!
1 comment:
Just love it! You describe her to the tee and so beautifully! Way to go mama!
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