Time is a flyin'. Here's the update...
I'm 16 weeks along with baby bird number 2, we are renovating bathrooms, repairing the deck, re-constructing our entire backyard landscape, test-driving minivans, and traveling galore. Only a few things on the plate at a time. We are back into full-blown nesting mode, and I am loving all of the projects!
Avery is 18 months old, going on 10 years. She is now in the 99th percentile for height, and pediatrician says she is very advanced for her age. Ah, isn't that what all parents want to hear of their kids. I'm sure they believe it, even if it's not said. I'm attributing her said advanced self to her height and long hair.
Exhibit A: Height. I don't really notice how tall she is until she's around kids her own age, and is then a whole head above them. This allows her to climb on top of more stuff, and to grab more things she shouldn't be getting into. Thus, she probably explores more. She's already gone through the bumping her head on things and has learned the skill of "ducking" before all of the other kids have grown tall enough to hit their heads.
Exhibit B: Long Hair. She's always had crazy long hair. Since birth really. She's had over a dozen hair-cuts, and now requires either a braid or pony tail to keep the strands out of her face, and mouth. With the long hair, people have always thought she was older, and treated her such. I can recount plenty of times pre-8-months-old when people would come up to her stroller and ask her what her name was. She would just stare back as mom answers for her.
Armed with these valiant tools, she has certainly grown into a little person with definite opinions and attitudes, and for lack of a better words, knows exactly what and how she wants things. Her dad often tells me, "Hmmm, mom- wonder where she got that from?" I'm so proud.
This weekend also marks Jonathan and I's 3rd anniversary. 3 years, and 1.5 babies. Craziness to me.
I'm trying to figure out Avery's big-girl room decor & furniture, we will find out whether baby #2 is a boy or girl in a few weeks, and I'm trying to get Christmas shopping already under-way. Things are so busy, and I'm trying to remember to record all of the chaos along the way.
Amidst the contractors coming in and out of the house, Avery cranky and ready to go down for a nap, the phone ringing, and the power going out, Jonathan says, "Don't you think we should get a dog soon?" Sure. Why not?
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