The Willy Wonka blueberry girl; Aunt Petunia that Harry Potter blows up into a helium balloon; a sumo wressler. Pick a card, any card - that's what I'm feeling like today. Large. I thought about designing an XXL clothing sticker and sticking it to my belly for these last three weeks...just to see if Jonathan notices. I'm sure Avery would love it- belly being right at her eye level and all, and with a new fanatic love of stickers.
Avery came with me to my 36-week doctors appointment this morning, and when they got out the "magic wand" to hear the baby's heartbeat she says, "Mama! Mama! I hear pony! Fast pony!"
I'm starting to think she's going to be extremely disappointed. Instead, she gets a crying baby that takes up more of my attention. I'm thinking that this baby could give her a stuffed pony as a gift when she comes to meet him at the hospital. Ya know, meet her half-way at least.
That stork that left the station many many months ago has got to be pretty exhausted by now. And, I'm keepin' a lookout for a good landing spot.
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