November 15, 2013
tooth fairy tales
We're not quite there yet- to the whole tooth fairy exchange business- but I'm always thinking ahead, and just ordered this absolutely adorable, appropriately-fairy-sized, completely magical little piece of painted wood made into a door... Comes with a ladder, and a tooth pot, and a scrolled note from Miss Fairy herself.
Avery is SO very into fairies right now, and Tinkerbelle, and magic flying sparkle dust, and glittery wings. I just love it. Here's hoping (when the time comes) this is a big hit!
November 8, 2013
notre dame, in
The next sentimental stop was...well...golden! Returning to South Bend for the first time since Jonathan and I met there (almost 7 years ago) was pretty surreal. I showed Avery & Christian where I used to live at Saint Mary's, prompting conversations like this:
Avery: "Mama! You lived in a castle!? Like Cinderella?"
Me: "Yes, pretty much just like Cinderella. Only there wasn't any air conditioning, and I shared a bathroom with 20 other girls, and we stayed up late watching scary movies and drinking lots of beverages."
Avery: "Oh, that sounds SO fun! Dad- I when I get grown up I want to live in a castle like Rapunzel too, and have popcorn parties with my sippy cup of juice!"
While on campus, it was the strangest feeling of time lived and spent. When I was living in this spot, on this lawn, at a much younger age, I experienced this space so very differently than how I did now. The person that I was in this place last was young. I hadn't met the man I was to marry yet. I didn't have any kids, or even a thought of what those kids would be like, or how my life would be different. It was almost a time-warp sort of feeling; strange, nastalgic, grateful, and memorable.
I felt so lucky to have had the opportunity to go to such an unbelievable school, at a time when I didn't even realize it. Only years after leaving have I slowly realized in many different fashions just how much I gained from my experience there; unbelievable friendships, great business and social connections & introductions, a continuing foundation for faith, and a lifetime of pride in both the SMC and ND school traditions. It's a great world-wide family to be apart of. I'm also happy to have found someone in a spouse that gets what it means to bleed blue and gold. Jonathan finished his MBA at ND in '07 just before we moved to Chicago.
This trip was also made that much sweeter as we met up with great friends, the Boro family, in the Bend. With a total of 5 kids under the age of four, we toured the campuses, went tailgating, and for the first time, started our very own family tradition under the golden dome. Watching Avery and Christian run around the green in front of Touchdown Jesus...seeing Avery kneel and fold her hands and say a prayer down at the Grotto...and watching Christian learn to do the Fighting Irish arm pumps from the real leprechaun himself...Priceless.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch
Avery: "Mama! You lived in a castle!? Like Cinderella?"
Me: "Yes, pretty much just like Cinderella. Only there wasn't any air conditioning, and I shared a bathroom with 20 other girls, and we stayed up late watching scary movies and drinking lots of beverages."
Avery: "Oh, that sounds SO fun! Dad- I when I get grown up I want to live in a castle like Rapunzel too, and have popcorn parties with my sippy cup of juice!"
While on campus, it was the strangest feeling of time lived and spent. When I was living in this spot, on this lawn, at a much younger age, I experienced this space so very differently than how I did now. The person that I was in this place last was young. I hadn't met the man I was to marry yet. I didn't have any kids, or even a thought of what those kids would be like, or how my life would be different. It was almost a time-warp sort of feeling; strange, nastalgic, grateful, and memorable.
I felt so lucky to have had the opportunity to go to such an unbelievable school, at a time when I didn't even realize it. Only years after leaving have I slowly realized in many different fashions just how much I gained from my experience there; unbelievable friendships, great business and social connections & introductions, a continuing foundation for faith, and a lifetime of pride in both the SMC and ND school traditions. It's a great world-wide family to be apart of. I'm also happy to have found someone in a spouse that gets what it means to bleed blue and gold. Jonathan finished his MBA at ND in '07 just before we moved to Chicago.
This trip was also made that much sweeter as we met up with great friends, the Boro family, in the Bend. With a total of 5 kids under the age of four, we toured the campuses, went tailgating, and for the first time, started our very own family tradition under the golden dome. Watching Avery and Christian run around the green in front of Touchdown Jesus...seeing Avery kneel and fold her hands and say a prayer down at the Grotto...and watching Christian learn to do the Fighting Irish arm pumps from the real leprechaun himself...Priceless.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch
chicago, il
City lights, skyscrapers, fantastic food, and kid-friendly wanderings. I just love Chicago. SO much. We miss living there - amongst easy access to funky cocktail lounges, historic architecture, mid-west mentality, and the best Italian food west of Italy.
The kids loved exploring the Lincoln Park Zoo. And, we soaked up walking the lakeside trail - home of our once-upon-a-time half marathon training grounds. It's really the city where Jonathan and I fell in love, and started planning our lives needless to say, we had quite a bit of sentimental excursions: Taking the kids to eat at our 'ol favorite Thai restaurant Penny's Noodles, touring our old Bucktown and Wicker Park neighborhoods, hitting up Navy Pier, and a fabulous date night to Rose Angelis (home of the big-as-your-head tiramisu).
Warm weather, always something to do, and two terrific little travelers made our stop in Chi-town a fantastic one.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch
The kids loved exploring the Lincoln Park Zoo. And, we soaked up walking the lakeside trail - home of our once-upon-a-time half marathon training grounds. It's really the city where Jonathan and I fell in love, and started planning our lives needless to say, we had quite a bit of sentimental excursions: Taking the kids to eat at our 'ol favorite Thai restaurant Penny's Noodles, touring our old Bucktown and Wicker Park neighborhoods, hitting up Navy Pier, and a fabulous date night to Rose Angelis (home of the big-as-your-head tiramisu).
Warm weather, always something to do, and two terrific little travelers made our stop in Chi-town a fantastic one.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch

disneyland - aneheim, ca
Sticky-sugary hands, sweaty sun-kissed cheeks, whining, crying, and waiting in lines. It's really a magical place! Just kidding. Well, not really. All of that non-fun is definitely included, but I will say that despite the occasional sugar-induced meltdown, we really DID have a magical time. I give you scenerio number 253:
(After 8+ hours in the park, a whiny Avery wants to be carried everywhere, and just as we make our way to the exit, she spots....Minnie Mouse!)
Avery: "Mama! Mama! There's Minnie! Let's go see her!"
Me: "Sweetie, we can wait in that really really really long line and meet Minnie, or we can go right now to have some yummy dinner and you can have your chocolate sucker and cotton candy for dessert."
(Long pause of deliberation, with a look of exhaustion on her face.)
Avery: "Ok, mama. Let's meet Minnie."
Me: "Uhhhhh. OK! We're here. Let's get in line!"
And then A & C slept for 12 hours that night. And, so did mom & dad.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch

laguna beach, ca
Warm sun, silky sand, big waves, and grandma Judy! Avery and Christian couldn't have been more excited. After a stroll down Laguna Beachs' main drag, a local Mexican dinner, and way too much ice cream, we ventured onto the beach for a nice stroll, sand playing, and a few educational talks about waves and how they will come back to you (you don't have to run out to them, Christian).
It's always fun to watch the kids experience elements that they aren't quite used to. In true gender role fashion, Avery combed the sand for pretty shells while Christian picked up every slimy piece of seaweed, and gooey snail remains, and dug in the mud, and threw rocks. All had fun!
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch
It's always fun to watch the kids experience elements that they aren't quite used to. In true gender role fashion, Avery combed the sand for pretty shells while Christian picked up every slimy piece of seaweed, and gooey snail remains, and dug in the mud, and threw rocks. All had fun!
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch
newport beach, ca
Avery: "Look, mama! My fingers are sooooo wrinkly!"
Me: "You don't say. You've only been swimming for 4 hours."
This was our first stop on the trip, and was filled with some much needed R&R.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch
November 6, 2013
Oh, to be 3 years old again and can't help but smile in awe when your mom snaps on some green glittery wings. And, then when your mom ties your hair up in a big round bun on the top of your head just like Tinkerbelle, it makes you want to fly around the room and jump up and down on mom & dad's big bed. Avery made me smile.
Oh, to be 1 years old again and be thrown into a world of strangeness where everyone around you is dressed as something weird. When mom puts a full bodysuit on you and it has fake abs and forearm muscles to boot, you just poke each pillowy muscle one by one, and then look up and grin at everyone. You may even want to fly around the room like your big sister. She may have wings, but you have magical flying power. Christian made me smile. It was a great Halloween.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch

Oh, to be 1 years old again and be thrown into a world of strangeness where everyone around you is dressed as something weird. When mom puts a full bodysuit on you and it has fake abs and forearm muscles to boot, you just poke each pillowy muscle one by one, and then look up and grin at everyone. You may even want to fly around the room like your big sister. She may have wings, but you have magical flying power. Christian made me smile. It was a great Halloween.
Click HERE for all of the pics. Password: Finch

9 lives.
My friend Heather has some fantastic Truths of Motherhood that I love. They are
much more meaningful than this.
I may need 9 lives to get through my every day. For now,
here are my 9 truths:
1) There is a pink Minnie Mouse tricycle in the bathroom.
Actually- in the shower, in the bathroom. And, baby doll Rosie is sleeping in
the sink, with the hand towel covering her up.
2) I drink out of sippy cups...on a normal basis. Granted
it's because I am just looking for a quick sip of liquid to either swallow
vitamins with, or because it's the only thing sitting on the end table right
next to me in the living room, and I'm eating salty popcorn, and don't feel
like getting up.
3) I have a professionally-perfected vault over 3-foot high
gates, as to not touch it at all while clearing myself into the office and
trapping little people behind.
4) The catch-all tray for keys and wallets is filled with
broken crayons, glittery hair clips, pacifiers (even though Christian hasn't
used one in over a year), and long lost legos.
5) A big fabric box filled with diapers and wipes and
lotions is literally the centerpiece of our dining table.
6) At any one time, a person could scrounge up a hearty
snack (maybe even enough for lunch) from the floor of our car.
7) I have to literally sneak out of the house if I want to
avoid a full-blown melt-down of little creatures that "want to go
8) Tragedy has struck the Finch house when there aren't any
more apple squeezers in the fridge.
9) At 7:30pm, the clouds part, a rainbow is visible, and
angels sing sweet music.
July 25, 2013
avery at three and a half.
I put Avery to bed an hour ago. She got out twice. She got spanked once. She went into Christian's room once (hense the spank). She went to the bathroom twice. I yelled at her. I sang songs to her. I asked her nicely to suck her thumb and snuggle her blankies and close her eyes. I tucked all of her damn stuffed animals into bed....and kissed them goodnight...and sang songs to them. I bribed her with a trip to get icecream tomorrow. And, I turned on her favorite night light.
--20 mins later (when I'm thinking she must be asleep by now)--
On the video monitor:
Avery: "Mom? Oh, mom? Are you there?"
Me: "WHAT!?"
Avery: "Knock, knock"
Oh, dear Lord!
the playroom
The kids playroom is so chalked-full of toys that it is a bit overwhelming, but it at least serves the most important purpose of any room in the whole entire house: keeping the kids occupied, and out of mom's hair!
For a room tour, visit the playroom on Project Nursery.
July 10, 2013
avery's big girl room tour.
I may need to get a new hobby. Or, check myself into some sort of twelve step program for design-aholics.
When tested, I can most always put down the thing that poses most harm to me, but when it comes to spray painted animal lamps or color-on wallpaper, or personalized tableware, you've lost me. It's pretty much the reason I want more kids...ya know, to have to design a space for them.
Here is a glimpse into Avery's big-girl room. I had way too much fun collecting pieces over the years: great-grandma Ginny's vintage drummer girl print, a glitter number 1 canvas from her 1st birthday party, newborn hand & foot molds, flying fairies from grandma Mary (Avery has so fittingly named Flora, Fauna, and Maryweather), fabulous designer teacups she collects every year from Godparents Dana & Tom, vintage (yes, vintage) birth announcement of her dads' circa 1975, and a lot of favorite Etsy shop finds.
I only hope she loves living in the space as much as I loved putting it together.
For more pics and info on her room, visit the room tour on Project Junior.
When tested, I can most always put down the thing that poses most harm to me, but when it comes to spray painted animal lamps or color-on wallpaper, or personalized tableware, you've lost me. It's pretty much the reason I want more kids...ya know, to have to design a space for them.
Here is a glimpse into Avery's big-girl room. I had way too much fun collecting pieces over the years: great-grandma Ginny's vintage drummer girl print, a glitter number 1 canvas from her 1st birthday party, newborn hand & foot molds, flying fairies from grandma Mary (Avery has so fittingly named Flora, Fauna, and Maryweather), fabulous designer teacups she collects every year from Godparents Dana & Tom, vintage (yes, vintage) birth announcement of her dads' circa 1975, and a lot of favorite Etsy shop finds.
I only hope she loves living in the space as much as I loved putting it together.
For more pics and info on her room, visit the room tour on Project Junior.
July 9, 2013
christian timothy, one point five.
Here are his stats of the 'now':
a) running after Avery
b) giving people 'bumps'
c) laughing at his own burps
d) telling us when he's "done!" eating up to his highchair
e) pointing out other people's bellies out in public
f) reprimanding neighborhood dogs for barking.
g) letting you know that every object, should he want it, is "MINE!"
h) pointing out every single ball he ever sees. anywhere. even if its just a circle.
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Christian Timothy 16 month photoshoot |
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And, here is Christian's annual report poster- only 6 months late. Better late than never.
Poor second-child-syndrome. Can't be helped.
Even if I don't take as many pictures of him, or don't take extra extra time to teach him mundane tasks, there will always be a special place in my heart for my first son. Those dimples. That smirk. His pouty lips. Those mesmerizing big blue eyes.
I guess you could say he got to me.
Italy was everything I could have ever imagined a fantasy whirlwind European trip with kids to be and much much more. I don't even know where to start! The music- soothing and romantic. The architecture- bold, historic, picturesque, reverend. And, the food (oh, the food!) can only be laced with sweet garlic loveliness!
Whenever I look back at our travels with kids, I'm always so grateful that they have been able to go and see and experience such spectacular things - near and far. Even though they may be too young to remember most of this trip, they will most definitely remember the sense of travel and adventure that their parents (hopefully) have instilled in them. I want them to always have a curiosity for learning, a need to explore, and a passion for finding out how the rest of the world lives. It's so very exciting for me. And, I hope they grow to love it too.
I will say that had we not had GPS on our phones, our marriage may have been over. Windy roads tended to make me car sick and street signs weren't so clearly marked. Thankfully- if you followed the GPS (even though you thought it looked like it would take you the wrong way), it proved to be a lifesaver! Made our entire trip so much less stressful. The kids were young enough and little enough, that at any one time they could both fall asleep in the stroller and/or backpack, and we could keep on keepin' on our way as tourists. Cars and trains and buses and cabs and airplanes....I have to say that Avery and Christian are absolutely fantastic little travelers. We made some great memories and can't wait for our next trip abroad.
Oh- and speaking of driving, you know the universal "Ummm, hellloooooo?!" that drivers say to other drivers when they're coming into their lane, or cutting them off? While in Italy, we made a point to say, "Ummm, buongiornoooo?!?" Hee.
For waaaaay too many pics of the whole Italy trip, click HERE. Password: Finch.
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Top (L-R): San Gimignano, Vernazza in Cinque Terre, Trevi Fountain in Rome Bottom (L-R): Rome, Sienna, Pisa |
Whenever I look back at our travels with kids, I'm always so grateful that they have been able to go and see and experience such spectacular things - near and far. Even though they may be too young to remember most of this trip, they will most definitely remember the sense of travel and adventure that their parents (hopefully) have instilled in them. I want them to always have a curiosity for learning, a need to explore, and a passion for finding out how the rest of the world lives. It's so very exciting for me. And, I hope they grow to love it too.
Avery fell in love with gelato - that which we found on every other street corner. Italians definitely know how to live. She perfected her order: 1 scoop of super pink (could be strawberry or red velvet or cinnamon, but as you can guess- it's the PINK part that is most important here, people.) And, in a baby waffle cone please!
Christian was a trooper! Having been at the tail-end of the awkward 'I know how to walk but I still trip on everything that isn't completely flat' stage, the ancient cobblestone streets where a hurdle. Exhibit A below is sufficient enough evidence - Christian at the Vatican with a bruised forehead. And, as a side-note to this pic: what a fantastic shirt I picked out for him to wear the day we visited one of the Holiest places in the world. Yep.
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Top (L-R): Christian @ The Vatican in Rome, Avery @ The Colloseum in Rome Bottom (L-R): Jonathan & Christian in Cinque Terre's Vernazza, Hannah & Christian in Florence |
I will say that had we not had GPS on our phones, our marriage may have been over. Windy roads tended to make me car sick and street signs weren't so clearly marked. Thankfully- if you followed the GPS (even though you thought it looked like it would take you the wrong way), it proved to be a lifesaver! Made our entire trip so much less stressful. The kids were young enough and little enough, that at any one time they could both fall asleep in the stroller and/or backpack, and we could keep on keepin' on our way as tourists. Cars and trains and buses and cabs and airplanes....I have to say that Avery and Christian are absolutely fantastic little travelers. We made some great memories and can't wait for our next trip abroad.
Oh- and speaking of driving, you know the universal "Ummm, hellloooooo?!" that drivers say to other drivers when they're coming into their lane, or cutting them off? While in Italy, we made a point to say, "Ummm, buongiornoooo?!?" Hee.
For waaaaay too many pics of the whole Italy trip, click HERE. Password: Finch.
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