September 15, 2015

the finch gentlemen.

The boys in our house sure know how to make the lady birds feel special.

Mom is 8 months pregnant, ridiculously uncomfortable, coming down with the flu, and successfully pulled off getting both kids to their separate schools today for the first time. Pick-ups at separate times.  Lunches made. Special first day of preschool happy meal. 4 loads of laundry. And, pre-vacation packing.

Avery is also coming down with the flu. When I picked her up from school, she ran to me and immediately started crying and said she didn't feel well. I felt horrible. She came home and has been lying on the couch ever since. 

Mr. Finch took Christian for a walk up to the grocery store and returned with these beautiful + sunny + joyful flowers. Christian said, "Here mama. These are for the girls. I love you." Oh jeez - my heart. 

They then ran errands and came home with medicine syrups and caplets, cough drops, Pedialyte, chicken noodle soup for kids, and hot tom yum thai soup for mom/dad. Now, it's time for hot baths and cozy blankets.

Finch gentlemen - to the rescue. I love them over the rainbow.

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