A while back, I caved in and filled out the silly list "about me" on facebook. And since I actually took the time to fill it out- I wanted to make sure I saved it somewhere. Here. On the blog. The official
keeper of all things written. Well, by me that is. (Take one of Hannah and her weirdness. And, Action!)
1. I can’t stand white walls. I absolutely love color!
2. I miss my family in Alaska so much.
3. I hate the process of putting on make-up. I secretly wish women had a cabinet filled with faces. The going out face. The everyday default face. The going to work face. We could just pick one out, put it on, and be done with it.
4. I didn’t grow up with animals and never ever ever thought I’d be so attached to one. I love our cat Charlie so much. He brings such character to our home.
5. As I get older, I cry so much easier. I hate it.
6. I have always been so glad to have a fairly unique name. And, it kinda bothers me when I hear someone else being called Hannah.
7. I am most happy when I’m creating something. Paint. Clay. Paper. Markers. Fabric. Glitter. Glue. Graphic design. You name it. My home is my canvas and my gallery.
8. Every time I get into my car, I touch my Catholic scapulars (felt squares on a string) hung around my rear view mirror and say, “Blessed Mother, ride with us and keep us safe.” My grandma taught me that when I was seven.
9. My biggest dream has always been to be a country music singer.
10. I have absolutely no idea how I met and fell in love with my husband Jonathan. Seriously- no idea. He is the best part of my life. And, I feel like the luckiest girl alive to wake up every morning and still get to
keep him.
11. Towels are folded in a certain way in my house. If you’re not going to fold em right, don’t even bother.
12. I consciously pick out cute outfits for my unborn children.
13. I’m weird about not wanting anyone to know the names I’d like for our kids someday. Jonathan is sworn to secrecy. Seriously. I also won’t find out if we’re having girls or boys. I think there are so few true surprises in life.
14. I think that my husband is the smartest person I know. He’s pretty scary smart about most anything. It does me well to be around him. I’m always so proud to have a local resource (in my home, local) to bounce ideas off of. He’s the CEO of our home and I’m the Creative Director. I think we’re a great team.
15. Coming from a family of nine sisters is one of the biggest blessings in my life. (if not THE biggest.) It is ridiculously wonderful.
16. I have the weirdest, most memorable dreams almost every single night. Jonathan is forced to listen to them in the mornings. If I don’t tell someone else about them- they stick with me all day long.
17. I’ve always thought I had a big forehead. That’s why I had bangs all throughout school. Now, of course, I’m too lazy to keep bangs. If you didn’t know- they require quite a bit of maintenance.
18. My master plan is to get my whole family to move to the Seattle area. Eventually, that is. I’m constantly plotting and scheming their way here.
19. I pride myself on never ever, not even once, having a cavity.
20. My “what if” man is Patrick Dempsey. It’s ok- you can have him too.
21. I really don’t want to become a housewife. But- I want to stay at home when my kids are little. Tricky, tricky.
22. I’m a little addicted to Sprite zero now. And, um, Goldfish crackers.
23. I love to poke, prod, and investigate skin-related issues. Scabs, zits, hair, needles, stitches, burns. I absolutely loved dissecting things in anatomy and physiology including pigs, cats, and even real human cadavers. Love it! Makes me excited just thinking about it! I think I should have been a surgeon.
24. I’m back up to running 3 miles a day. We’ll see how long that lasts. I felt in such great shape when I ran a half marathon last year. Hey- it’s always an uphill climb.
25. My new favorite meal to cook is meatloaf, mashed potatoes ‘n gravy, and grilled asparagus. Mmmm.