July 13, 2009

baby finch

I'm pregnant! Althought it seems like I've been pregnant now forever and a day already, we've finally told both sides of our family the good news, and are now excited to be enjoying the second trimester. Baby Finch is due on or around Jan 12th.

He/she will be the first grandchild on both sides of the family, have 11 aunts, and the first chickadee (out of many *hopefully) to arrive in the finch nest.

Here is a sneak peak of our little one at 13 weeks. T minus 6 months!


Meredith Finch said...

Ahhhh Congrats!!! So excited!

Two Job Mama said...

Yay!!! It's super cute already! Isn't that the most fun, seeing your wee one for the first time? Amazing.

Unknown said...

Yes! It was surreal! Jonathan and I were all smiles! :)