September 2, 2015

avery goes to kindergarten.

Cannot believe we're here already. I'm so proud of this little girl. I held it together this morning, for which I'm overly proud of considering the 8-month pregnancy hormones. It's funny how independent and brave this little girl is - annoyed that mom & dad want to take pictures and give hugs + kisses goodbye. The audacity.

The thing is, I know SHE is ready....probably has been for a good year. And, I'm proud of this. It means we've prepared her well. We've been so busy getting ready for baby 3 to arrive, gathering school supplies, buying new school clothes, organizing parent schedules, and grocery shopping for school lunches, that the actual first day crept up on us. 

Here's to the start of every school day for the next 13 years! Christian will surely miss his favorite partner in crime. 

Left without the gush of first-born-emotional-wreck-mama-heart today? Click here for a great article in the Huffington Post. I'm glad I read this about a week ago, had a really good cry, and saved Avery much public embarrassment. Ha!

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